
Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Business apply to Engine supply and fit service provided by London Engine. These Terms of Service apply to London and the fitting and recovery service provided by us and govern the provision given to you. By using our services customer agrees to these Terms & Conditions unconditionally. If Customer does not unconditionally agree to all of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, then Customer should not use and has no right to use London Engine

  • Once and order has been accepted by the company it can only be cancelled by the customer only with the agreement of the company. The customer will pay the company for all costs, charges or expenses sustained by the company until the result of cancellation. London Engine can only be accepted by the company when all money due have been paid..
  • London Engine will try hard to complete repairs by the date and time requested but will not accept any responsibility for any delays caused by factors outside company’s control.
  • If you exchange your old engine, we may reduce the price of the new one depending on the condition of the old one.
  • Any additional charges owed by the customer to the company must be paid for in full on collection or if the customer agrees to have the vehicle delivered in to their address. The customer must pay the amount agreed in full including additional charges such as delivery charges that may incur.
  • London Engine gives 6 months or 6000 miles whichever occurs sooner, from the date of completion.
  • All claims are dealt with individual basis and try to handle claims as quickly as possible.